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The Tarot 13

What is it?

Elaina pulls 13 tarot cards for you in a wheel formation. The center card represents the guiding force of your upcoming year. The other 12 cards are monthly themes/feedback for your life.


What’s included in the Tarot 13?

You receive a detailed written interpretation of the wheel formation for your card pull. You also receive a photo of the tarot card spread. Whichever month you begin, it will unfold over the 12 months following. Example:
February-January. March- February, etc. You don’t have to begin in January.

What is the cost of the service?


What is the turn-around time?

5-7 days

The Tarot 13 makes a great gift for birthday or special occasions.

  1. Email me to let me know you purchased the package.
  2. Pay here----Venmo Link: