Arrivederci 2019
November 25, 2019
Beaches, Peaches, and Books
March 17, 2020I am in the exciting months prior to the release of Black Licorice, my debut young adult novel. Black Licorice is about how fifteen-year-old Freddi Birdoni navigates healing, passion, friendship, and mental health. A musical prodigy, Freddi has trouble connecting with kids her own age until Court Bono comes into her life. The story is set on the Jersey Shore, where so many of you and I call home. She makes her way to NYC and northern NJ, because that’s where Court’s music often thrives.
My novel is being published by the incandescent human beings at Inked In Gray Publishing– inkedingray.com I cannot even begin to tell you how amazing my editor (Dakota) and fellow Inked in Gray author, (Shea) have been during this revision process. How lucky am I?
To welcome you to my world of reading and writing, I want to chat about friendship. We all have them. We all lose them. Why do we bother connecting with other people? Because their stories can help our stories. Their words can connect with our words. Their heartache and loss can make us feel less alone. It never gets easier to make and keep good friends, but it’s always worth the time.
Good friendships sometimes require patience and work. Sometimes the most uncomfortable conversations happen with the best of friends. Sometimes conflict leads to strength and progress. Sometimes we need to be called out for our stuff. Think about Laverne and Shirley. Lucy and Ethel. Oscar and Felix. Even Beavis and Butthead. Remember them? It’s all about balancing each other. Knowing when to support or call your friend out on their b.s. Knowing when to give them a hug. It takes practice, mistakes, and faith in one another. Pick up the phone or text a friend to check in. Below you will see the two women next to me who have always kept me grounded when I falter. Because, we all do. Don’t kid yourself.
Freddi Birdoni, my main character, makes plenty of mistakes. Mistakes are as human as it comes. Ignoring truths. Not truly listening. Being self-indulged. So human. Freddi finds human connection to be exhausting at best. Freddi finds new friendship, but not without a ton of errors.
I love writing realistic fiction. Don’t get me wrong, we can learn just as much from fantasy and sci-fi, but I prefer the painful, less coated/masked stuff of life.
It’s my hope that this message will brighten your day or remind you to call a friend . Life’s too short. Stay happy, healthy, and have a sense of humor. Also, I highly encourage you to get a massage, learn an instrument, pick up a good novel, or listen to a favorite song. “Hey Siri, Play Under the Milky Way by The Church” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWxJEIz7sSA
Until next month! Thank you for your support.