Fleetwood Mac for Writer’s Block
September 3, 2019
Kitchen Love
October 2, 2019Moms Creative
We all wear many hats. Daughter hats. Wife hats. Brother hats. Father hats. Teacher, doctor, sales rep, realtors, etc., etc. So to add in the artist/creator hat can feel like a lot—but not when you’re creating something you believe in or love. I think that’s the key. Why make that thing if you don’t believe in it with all of your breath? Over the course of a decade I have watched moms in particular—rediscover that they have a fire burning deep down in the depths of their crumb-filled, lollipop-stick and leaf-covered car interiors. You know, under the lipstick-stained coffee cups and 3 post-it pile ups, right next to the PTO meeting flyer and the book order form you forgot to fill out. Under their kids’ dreams. You know what ladies—I see you. (I can’t speak for men, because I am not one).
Don’t let other moms or relatives or Facebook trolls tell you that your kids are EVERYTHING. No kidding— they are soooo much, but they are NOT everything. We are still alive too. Why are people forgetting this, sometimes? Stop saying your kids are all that matter. It’s sad to me. Live for you too. There’s room for everyone. You have time. If you love it, you have time. Make the time. I want to celebrate the women I know who create. And to those of you who are thinking about it—do it. You are significant, and you have something to say. You are still a great mom even if you find time for passion.
To my female friend who is brainstorming a new television script idea. You are brave and alive, and I support you.
To my female friend who is learning the ukulele in her 40s and jamming with colleagues during the week. You are spectacular and alive, and I support you.
To my female friend who is producing and acting in a successful local theater. You are bold and beautiful, and I support you.
To my female friend who is a licensed therapist and is always being stalked for new media opportunities. You are brilliant and ballsy, and I support you.
To my female friend who is driving all over the tri-state area making more $$ than 85% of the men I know, while also brainstorming new ideas for artsy documentaries. You are awake and spectacular, and I support you.
To my female aunt who is always learning to do something new and staying super social into her later years in life. You are a true inspiration, and I support you.
To my female friend who gave my family the best furry gift on Earth—you are earning a degree later in life while running a successful senior cat rescue. You are compassionate and amazing, and I support you.
I could go on for pages. We need to see one another and support one another.